Thursday, August 19, 2010

Think again!

Well, I will forgo the project sketches promised earlier and let you know this: the space I had proposed for my installation has been deemed "structurally unsound." Uh-Oh!

I went up there this morning with the Elsewhere building manager, Ian, to discuss the details of my construction plans. After a few jump-tests and further examination of the floor boards, it was determined that making the loft safe enough for more than one person at a time would take more work than I have time or currently-known-skillsets for during this residency. We are talking major demolition and rebuilding. So, as they say, back to the old drawing board. I remain optimistic though, this building has so many opportunities.

notches cut through support beams 100 years ago to hold electrical lines? bad news!

100 year old wires connecting to other wires to hold up the platform? bad news!

On a brighter note, here is our recent Elsewhere family portrait:

1 comment:

Shuff said...

Oh my! the floor is an archnemisis! Well, where does the ceiling stand? Could you make a periscope to share this lovely view with patrons since they can't all be as lucky as you to have gone up so far in the rafters of elsewhere?